Friday, September 3, 2010

Our 60th wedding anniversary is three weeks away

We have been blessed.  We have good memories of  the huge party our children gave us  ten years ago on our 50th wedding anniversary.  However, this year, we both wish to have a quiet, simple celebration. We are most  grateful to the Lord that He has permitted us to actually see our 60th anniversary. Although the actual anniversary date is Thursday, Sept.  23, we chose Saturday,  Sept. 25 to have a small, informal gathering.

St. Mary Catholic Church, Wimberley

To teach us wisdom.  There is a passage in Sacred Scripture that tells us that God our loving Father even adds years to our lives to teach us wisdom.  So I am listening carefully and paying attention. There is another Scripture passage that I recall to teach me humility, and so I pray:  Remember not the sins of my youth and my stupidity.  So as I grow older, I pray to grow in wisdom as well; that is why I attend daily Mass. After all, God in His loving kindness has allowed us to live to celebrate our 60th anniversary.

Therefore our 60th celebration consists simply of attending the 9:00 am weekday Mass on Saturday morning Sept. 25 at St Mary Catholic Church, 14711 Ranch Road 12, in Wimberley.  We would like to renew our marriage vows in the church during or after Mass.  Then we would like to  invite our family and friends that may be there --  and  all the other people attending  that Mass --  to join us in the parish hall (next to  the church) for coffee and doughnuts.

Our ongoing celebration through the weekend will be having the company of our children and relatives, some of whom will be traveling  long distances to be with us. No gifts, please.  At this time in our lives, just your presence (if you can be there) is a priceless gift to us.

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