Thursday, September 23, 2010

60th Anniversary Announced in Local Paper

A member of the family contacted the local newspaper
We appreciate the loving support of our  children.who wanted to  make our anniversary known to the local newspaper.

Just for the record,  our children are arriving this week  to be with us for our anniversary.  One  came from Sweden near  Stockholm, while others are traveling  from various  parts of the United States.  The family reunion will take place during the four days from Thursday, Sept. 23 to Sunday, Sept. 26. We will renew and affirm our marriage vows at the 9:00 am Mass at St. Mary Catholic Church in Wimberley.  All parishioners attending that Mass, and our family and friends, are invited for coffee and doughnuts in the parish hall following the Mass.  It is truly a special and memorable event for us, and we are deeply  grateful.

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