Thursday, September 23, 2010

60th Anniversary Announced in Local Paper

A member of the family contacted the local newspaper
We appreciate the loving support of our  children.who wanted to  make our anniversary known to the local newspaper.

Just for the record,  our children are arriving this week  to be with us for our anniversary.  One  came from Sweden near  Stockholm, while others are traveling  from various  parts of the United States.  The family reunion will take place during the four days from Thursday, Sept. 23 to Sunday, Sept. 26. We will renew and affirm our marriage vows at the 9:00 am Mass at St. Mary Catholic Church in Wimberley.  All parishioners attending that Mass, and our family and friends, are invited for coffee and doughnuts in the parish hall following the Mass.  It is truly a special and memorable event for us, and we are deeply  grateful.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Father's Art Work---Page 8

The Shepherd
The Shepherd - by Adelard Daniel Poirier  1909

      This is my favorite painting among all the art done by my father.  The original painting has been displayed in our  home for many years.  Most members of the family like this painting and will recall seeing it on the wall in the living room of our home when they were children.  Now over 100 years old, the original painting has become darkened with time, and the paper is crumbling around the edges. By making this digital copy  I hope the painting will be preserved for future generations.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Father's Art Work---Page 7

Dream Car - Dream Home
by Adelard Daniel Poirier 1924

     This was a sample of the talent my father had in commercial art.  I believe he could have done well in that line of work.
My father liked big four-door sedans, like the Willys-Knight.  The last car he owned was a 1927 Willys Knight four-door, 8-passenger sedan, maroon body with black trim.  The big car  had  comfortable  front and rear bench seats, and two “jump seats’ for children that folded out from the back of the front seat.
     The use of the car stopped some time after I was born, as the great depression got worse.  My father never drove the car again, and he could not afford  another car in his lifetime.

My Father's Art Work---Page 6

A commercial ad designed by 
Adelard Daniel Poirier
 probably in the 1920s

My father  did not pursue work as a 
commercial  artist.  
During the last 20 years  of his life -- beginning in the great depression of the 1930s -- he worked doing manual labor
 in a glass factory and at the 
Dewey and Almy Chemical Plant
not far from Edmunds Street in North Cambridge, Massachusetts.

My Father's Art Work---Page 5

My Father's Art Work---Page 4

My Father's Art Work---Page 3

My Father's Art Work---Page 2

My Father's Art Work---Page 1

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Catholic View of Capitalism in US Economy


“The economic downturn of 2008 unleashed a furious attack on free enterprise, one that has only gained momentum in 2009 with the ascension of Barack Obama to the Presidency. 

           " The moralizing against capitalism is both deserved and not.  On the one hand, the activities of the commercial class have never been morally pure in all respects.  There are crooks and criminals in all trading sectors, and this is a fact that should not surprise anyone who understands human nature.

            “On the other hand, it is complete foolishness to believe we can do without a strong commercial sector.  It is commerce and entrepreneurship that brings society the blessings of prosperity:  food on the table, medicine for the sick, transportation, and extra income for charitable giving, education, and the funding for religious institutions.  If government could provide in this respect, totalitarian societies would have been the most prosperous instead of the poorest.

            “It is extremely dangerous for any national leader to rail against commercial society, especially during an economic downturn.  If the US economy is to recover, it will be the work of enterprise, not members of Congress and bureaucracies.  Loose talk of expropriation frightens capital and stirs up reticence about the future security of profits.

              "What’s more, the whole model of ‘stimulus' presumes a market that doesn’t work.  But the reality is that the market is working, even in a downturn, as a response to the excesses created by follies from the Federal Reserve and the government’s own lending institutions. 

            “There is always a moral problem to consider.  Denouncing ‘capitalism’ is another way of denouncing the freedom to invent, trade, contract, and grow wealth.  This is not a prescription for recovery, nor is it compatible with human rights.  Your support of our work has never been more important than it is in these times.”   

                                       --Rev. Robert A. Sirico, President Acton Institute.   

A slogan  of the Acton Institute:  "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely."  -- Lord Acton
For More information about  the Catholic position on this and other issues go to  the website of

Also at that website, checkout The Power Blog,

The importance of this issue justifies its posting in this blog and the other one.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Our 60th wedding anniversary is three weeks away

We have been blessed.  We have good memories of  the huge party our children gave us  ten years ago on our 50th wedding anniversary.  However, this year, we both wish to have a quiet, simple celebration. We are most  grateful to the Lord that He has permitted us to actually see our 60th anniversary. Although the actual anniversary date is Thursday, Sept.  23, we chose Saturday,  Sept. 25 to have a small, informal gathering.

St. Mary Catholic Church, Wimberley

To teach us wisdom.  There is a passage in Sacred Scripture that tells us that God our loving Father even adds years to our lives to teach us wisdom.  So I am listening carefully and paying attention. There is another Scripture passage that I recall to teach me humility, and so I pray:  Remember not the sins of my youth and my stupidity.  So as I grow older, I pray to grow in wisdom as well; that is why I attend daily Mass. After all, God in His loving kindness has allowed us to live to celebrate our 60th anniversary.

Therefore our 60th celebration consists simply of attending the 9:00 am weekday Mass on Saturday morning Sept. 25 at St Mary Catholic Church, 14711 Ranch Road 12, in Wimberley.  We would like to renew our marriage vows in the church during or after Mass.  Then we would like to  invite our family and friends that may be there --  and  all the other people attending  that Mass --  to join us in the parish hall (next to  the church) for coffee and doughnuts.

Our ongoing celebration through the weekend will be having the company of our children and relatives, some of whom will be traveling  long distances to be with us. No gifts, please.  At this time in our lives, just your presence (if you can be there) is a priceless gift to us.

Our 50th wedding anniversary was celebrated Sept. 23, 2000

We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary by renewing our marriage vows at Holy Mass at St. Sebastian Catholic Church, Sebastopol, California. The pastor, Msgr. William Hynes presided.  Our children  held an outdoor reception for family and friends at the home of son Larry Jr. and wife Susan. in Santa Rosa, California.

We were married 60 years ago Sept. 23, 1950

Larry Poirier an Mary Jane Herden were married September 23, 1950 at St. Gerard Catholic Church, San Antonio Texas.  The maid of honor was her sister Aggie Beth.  Best man was her cousin Adolph.