Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stand United Now with Other Christians to Defend Religious Freedom

 The Manhattan Declaration is a public statement supporting religious freedom   by Catholics, Evangelical Christians, and Orthodox Christians.  It defends  religious liberty in the face of growing attacks..  I have signed The Manhattan Declaration.  I invite you to sign it, too.  .Learn more by  clicking on this link:

Religious freedom as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States is  under attack  by  a Godless movement:   secular progressivism.  The issues today  have reached the level of crisis---this is no exaggeration--with the attack on  traditional marriage.  All three branches of our government -- the executive, the legislative and the judicial -- have people working to promote and increase the power of  secular progressivism.  Take a stand with the majority of American citizens to stop this attack.  Our future, and the future of our children, is at risk.

When conscience clauses are struck down, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and others will be facing the decision to follow their consciences or be unable to work in their profession. Your taxes and mine will be used to provide abortions, and possibly euthanasia.Medical ethics on issues of life and death will deteriorate.

Clergy who preach the Christian gospel in its fullness may be brought to trial for hate speech.  This is already happening in Canada.  It is unthinkable that it would happen here in the USA..  The threat is real.

Sign the Manhattan  Declaration -- online at  
Almost a half million Americans of all faiths have signed to date.  Join us.

Let's all resolve to do our  duty  to vote in November .

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